
Serhiy Hakman - Vice President of the Foundation

Serhiy Hakman - Vice President of the Foundation - born in 1961, studied at Chernivtsi State University from 1978 to 1986, where he received a degree in history: historian, teacher of history and social studies. D. in History (2001), Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Administration (2011). He has more than 200 published scientific works, including on the history of international relations, security issues, ethnic policy, European integration, cross-border cooperation, migration processes and refugees, Ukrainian-Russian relations at the present stage. He is the Deputy Director of the Chernivtsi Regional Center for Advanced Training. She is a teacher-trainer in cross-border cooperation, project management, and diversity management.  
S.M. Hakman is actively involved in public activities. He is:
- Member of the Coordinating Council of the Eastern European Regional Network of Civil Society Institutions of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC);
- member of the Working Commission of the Upper Prut Euroregion on the development of interregional and international relations, local governments and the media;
- Member of the Coordination Council, Scientific Secretary of the Chernivtsi City Public Association “Bukovinian Political Science Center”;
- Member of the Expert Council of the Chernivtsi Regional Office of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights;
- Deputy Chairman of the Chernivtsi Regional Council on Ethnic and National Policy.