
Levko Dovgan - member of the Foundation

 Levko Dovgan is a member of the Foundation.

Born in Ivano-Frankivsk, he graduated from the Precarpathian University (1993) with a degree in history and educational methodology. He is an organizational development trainer and community development expert. Since 1989, he has been working in public organizations in Ivano-Frankivsk and later Lviv.

Co-author of the training course “Communication Management and Human Resource Management in Non-Governmental Organizations” within the framework of the Ukrainian-Canadian project “Development of Civil Society in Ukraine” (1999-2002).

Trainer of the Ukrainian School of Leaders and the Ukrainian School of Local Self-Government. Participated in the development of the program of two schools of leaders and three schools of local self-government, head of training groups in the above-mentioned schools (1999 - 2004).

Trainer of the course “Development of Key Messages” for the program “Strengthening Civil Society” within the UCAN Program (2004 - 2006).

Trainer of the All-Ukrainian School of Democratic Rules and Procedures for Local Self-Government Bodies (2015).

He coordinated projects and worked as a trainer and expert in communities in different regions of Ukraine, from Zakarpattia to Luhansk region. In 2017-2020, he was a community development expert within the framework of the project “Public Voice in Local Self-Government” (DOBRE Program with financial support from USAID).

Author of the idea and co-organizer of the first Ukrainian Festival of Oral Storytelling “Ozertse” (Ozertse village, Ivano-Frankivsk region, August 2020).

His professional interests include sustainable development of rural communities, lifelong learning, strategies, and promotion.