
Bohdan Storoshchuk - member of the Foundation

Bohdan Storoshchuk is a member of the Foundation.

He studied at the Chernivtsi State University from 1991 to 1996, where he received a degree in business economics. Lecturer at the Department of Economic Theory and Management (since 1996), PhD in Economics (2004), Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Organization Management and Administration (2007). He has about 100 published scientific works, including on the economic role of the state in market-type economic systems, the methodology of the systematic approach in economic research, the economics of power, and the history of economic thought. Lecturer-trainer in micro- and macroeconomics, business behavior formation, change management, economic policy, economic dynamics, public administration. 

B.D. Storoshchuk is actively involved in public activities. He is:

- member of the Public Council at the Chernivtsi Regional State Administration (since 2015), in 2017-2019 - was the Deputy Chairman;

- Member of the Working Group on the development of the Chernivtsi City Strategy;

- member of the Chernivtsi Regional Public Association “Bukovinian Perspectives”;

- was a member of the regional and national stages of the Third All-Ukrainian Congress of the UGCC and a member of the Working Group on the development of the draft resolution of this Congress.