Narrative reports

Report on the activities of the charitable foundation "Public Resources and Initiatives" for 2023

Main Goals of the Foundation

The primary mission of the Foundation is to carry out charitable activities in the interests of society and beneficiaries of charitable assistance within the Foundation's areas of focus.

Scope of Activities

The Foundation's core activities include carrying out charitable work and providing charitable assistance.

Key Areas of Activity:

  • Providing informational and other support for the development of European and Euro-Atlantic integration processes, establishing international and cross-border connections between citizens and civic organizations for experience exchange, expertise sharing, and professional collaboration.
  • Supporting and assisting in the development of publishing activities, independent, impartial, and objective mass media, information infrastructure, and the creation of a free information space.
  • Facilitating the implementation of local programs aimed at improving the socio-economic status of vulnerable populations, disadvantaged groups, talented youth, and supporting the media.
  • Encouraging the development of young people's creative abilities and students, fostering humanitarian, tolerant, and multicultural education while promoting universal values and public recognition of their achievements.
  • Promoting scientific, educational, and public awareness activities to develop the information space, involving broad segments of the population in building a democratic and lawful society.
  • Harmonizing interethnic relations and fostering multiculturalism.
  • Preventing conflicts, mitigating their consequences, and protecting the rights of vulnerable groups.

Governance of the Foundation

The Foundation is managed by the Board, which includes:

  • President of the Foundation: Olena Volodymyrivna Tanasiichuk (Sandul)
  • Vice President of the Foundation: Serhiy Mykhailovych Hakman
  • Board Member: Halyna Myroslavivna Prokopyk

The Foundation's activities are supervised by the Supervisory Board:

  • Yevheniia Petrivna Yuriichuk
  • Serhii Heorhiiovych Feduniak

Main Sectors of Work

  • Activating civic organizations and government authorities to build a civil society.
  • Preserving the historical memory of the Ukrainian people.
  • Mobilizing Ukrainian and European communities in response to the Russian-Ukrainian war.
  • Socialization and psychosocial support for individuals affected by the war in Ukraine.

Key Projects Implemented in 2023

Throughout 2023, the team of the Charitable Foundation "Public Resources and Initiatives" worked on the following projects:

January - February 2023: Participation in the International Roundtable "A Year of War in Ukraine: Beginnings, Evolution, and Prospects"

On February 28, 2023, in commemoration of the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Union of Ukrainians in Romania (UUR), in cooperation with the Parliamentary Faction of National Minorities in the Chamber of Deputies, and with the support of the Center for Political Narratives of Democracy (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) and the Charitable Foundation "Public Resources and Initiatives," organized a roundtable in the Romanian Parliament titled "A Year of War in Ukraine: Beginnings, Evolution, and Prospects."

The event was attended by parliamentarians, representatives of central (Government, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Development, Ministry of Investments and European Projects, Department for Interethnic Relations) and local executive authorities, the Ambassador of Ukraine to Romania, representatives of public television and radio, the National Agency for Combating Human Trafficking, academics, business professionals, and civil society from Romania and Ukraine—around 80 participants, including nearly 30 speakers.

As part of the roundtable, two photo exhibitions were inaugurated in the Romanian Parliament:

  • "The War in Ukraine Through Children's Eyes," organized by the Chernivtsi Center for Political Narratives of Democracy in partnership with the Polish Mieroszewski Center with the support of the Charitable Foundation "Public Resources and Initiatives."
  • "A Mother's Pain," organized by the Ukrainian National Movement of Mothers and Relatives of ATO Participants "Berehynia." The photographs depict the tragedy of Ukrainian children during the Russian invasion, as well as the grief of mothers who lost their loved ones in the war.


January – March 2023: Participation in the Preparation of the International Round Table "Ukraine-Romania: A Year of Resistance and Suffering, A Year of Support and Solidarity. A Practical Example: Constanța"

From January to March 2023, the Charitable Foundation "Social Resources and Initiatives" participated, as a partner, in the organization and implementation of commemorative events marking the anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The events were organized by the City Hall of Constanța, with co-organizers and partners including the Constanța County Library "Ioan N. Roman" (Romania), the Odesa City Council (Ukraine), the Charitable Foundation "Social Resources and Initiatives" (Chernivtsi, Ukraine), the Public Organization "Center for Political Narratives of Democracy" (Chernivtsi, Ukraine), and the Association "Casa Mării Negre / Black Sea House."

As part of the commemorative events, the international round table "Ukraine-Romania: A Year of Resistance and Suffering, A Year of Support and Solidarity. A Practical Example: Constanța" was held, along with two photo exhibitions:

  1. "The War in Ukraine Through the Eyes of Children" – a photo exhibition by the NGO "Center for Political Narratives of Democracy" (Ukraine) in cooperation with the state institution of the Republic of Poland, the Juliusz Mieroszewski Centre, supported by the Municipality of Constanța (Romania) and the Charitable Foundation "Social Resources and Initiatives" (Ukraine).
  2. "A Mother's Pain" – a portrait photo exhibition by the NGO "All-Ukrainian Public Movement of Mothers and Relatives of ATO Participants 'Berehynia'".


April - June 2023: Photo Exhibition "The War in Ukraine Through Children's Eyes" in Iași, Romania

From April to June 2023, the Foundation organized a joint photo exhibition with "Petre Andrei" University of Iași, the Union of Ukrainians in Romania, the Center for Political Narratives of Democracy, and the Mieroszewski Center (Poland). The exhibition was opened on June 24, 2023, at "Petre Andrei" University as part of a public discussion on "The Current State of Political Science." The exhibition lasted for four months.


July - September 2023: Participation in the Ukrainian-Romanian Symposium "Consequences of Russia's Full-Scale Aggression Against Ukraine: Lessons for a New Security System in Europe"

Between July and September 2023, the Foundation, in partnership with the Union of Ukrainians in Romania (project leader) and the Center for Political Narratives of Democracy, organized a Ukrainian-Romanian symposium in Bucharest, Romania, on September 26, 2023.

Participants included leaders of the Union of Ukrainians in Romania, members of the Romanian Parliament, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Romania, experts, academics, diplomats, and journalists.


Implementation of the Project "NOT Alone: Providing Psychosocial, Informational, and Cultural-Educational Support to Adults and Children Affected by Russian Military Aggression" (August 2022 – February 2023)

The project was implemented with financial support from the International Renaissance Foundation. The project, with a budget of 1,097,058 UAH (funded by the IRF), was carried out under the leadership of Natalia Nechaeva-Yuriychuk, a member of the Foundation.

Project Goal. The goal of the project was to provide psychosocial, informational, and cultural-educational support to adults and children affected by Russian military aggression and temporarily residing in the Chernivtsi region.

Key Achievements

1. Needs Assessment

  • Conducted six focus groups (FGs) to identify the psychosocial, informational, and cultural-educational needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the Chernivtsi region.
  • The focus groups took place in Mamaivska, Khotynska, and Chernivtsi communities at the beginning and end of the project.
  • The research revealed the key needs of the participants.

2. Educational and Informational Training

  • In each community (Mamaivska, Khotynska, and Chernivtsi), a six-topic cycle of seminars, lectures, and training was conducted.
  • Topics included:
    • Economic independence and financial literacy
    • Legal rights and advocacy skills
    • Mediation and digital security
    • Youth career orientation
  • A total of three training cycles (6 topics each) were completed, with 308 participants:
    • 165 IDPs
    • 143 local residents

3. Psychological Support

  • Established three support groups for IDPs.
  • Provided psychological assistance in offline and online formats, ensuring accessibility and comfort.
  • This contributed to social adaptation and integration of IDPs into local communities.

4. Cultural and Educational Events

  • The initial plan included 18 integration events involving approximately 135 IDPs and 135 local residents.
  • During the project, 25 events were successfully held:
    • 6 in Mamaivska
    • 6 in Khotynska
    • 13 in Chernivtsi
  • Event types:
    • Meetings with writers and book presentations (including IDP authors)
    • Flash mobs and recognition meetings
    • Gastronomic events (including a Bukovinian cuisine master class)
    • Excursions and theater visits
    • Film screenings and performances at the Olha Kobylianska Chernivtsi Regional Music and Drama Theater
  • Total participation: 527 people
    • 252 IDPs
    • 275 local residents

5. ART-Studio "Stibok – We Stitch the Country Together"

  • Launched a systematic program in the Chernivtsi community.
  • Organized 24 events for children and families, including:
    • Excursions
    • Creative workshops
    • Family leisure activities
  • Additional five events were held in Mamaivska (2) and Khotynska (3) communities.
  • Total participation: 517 people (planned – 150):
    • 380 IDPs
    • 137 local residents
  • Activities encouraged family-friendly engagement.
  • One excursion to the Chernivtsi University Botanical Garden on October 26, 2022, was interrupted by an air raid alarm and continued on November 10, 2022.

Overall Impact

The project significantly contributed to the social adaptation, economic resilience, and cultural integration of IDPs in the Chernivtsi region, fostering connections between displaced individuals and local communities.

Information on Partners (Coalitions, Networks, and Movements)

The Charitable Foundation "Social Resources and Initiatives" is part of two civil society institution networks:

  • The Eastern European Network of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflicts (GPPAC)
  • The Network of Civil Society Organizations "ELEOS-Ukraine"


International Partners

The Foundation collaborates with several international organizations, including:

  • Union of Ukrainians in Romania (UUR)
  • Petre Andrei University of Iași (Romania)
  • Juliusz Mieroszewski Centre (Poland)
  • NGO "Small Euro Business" (Bălți, Republic of Moldova)
  • Ioan N. Roman County Library (Constanța, Romania)
  • Institute for International Cooperation of the German Association of Adult Education (DVV International, Germany)
  • Casa Mării Negre / Black Sea House (Constanța, Romania)
  • Ion Conea Geopolitics Association (Bucharest, Romania)

Ukrainian Partners

Within Ukraine, the Foundation actively cooperates with:

  • Mykhailo Ivasiuk Chernivtsi Regional Universal Scientific Library
  • Chernivtsi Regional Center for Advanced Training
  • Faculty of History, Political Science, and International Relations of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • Regional Cooperation Center "Dialogue"
  • Association of Local Self-Government Bodies of Chernivtsi Region "Bukovyna Community Development Agency"
  • NGO "Information and Research Center 'Integration and Development'"
  • NGO "Institute of Political Studies and Social Capital"
  • NGO "Center for Political Narratives of Democracy"

Media Support

The Foundation receives media support from:

  • Coordination Center for National Minority Broadcasting, Directorate of Regional Broadcasting of Ukrainian Radio
  • Chernivtsi Regional Directorate of Public Broadcasting "Suspilne"
  • Weekly newspaper "Libertatea cuvântului"
  • Weekly newspaper "Gazeta de Herța"
  • Journal "Bukovynskyi Visnyk of Civil Service and Local Self-Government"
  • Magazine "BucPress"

Financial Report

The financial report can be acces

sed via the following link:


The Foundation is a member of:

  • The Eastern European Network of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflicts (GPPAC).
  • The NGO Network "ELEOS-Ukraine."

International Partners:

  • Union of Ukrainians in Romania (UUR)
  • "Petre Andrei" University of Iași
  • Mieroszewski Center (Poland)
  • "Small Euro Business" NGO (Balti, Moldova)
  • "Ioan N. Roman" County Library (Constanța, Romania)
  • "Casa Mării Negre / Black Sea House" Association (Constanța, Romania)
  • "Ion Conea" Geopolitical Association (Bucharest, Romania)

Ukrainian Partners:

  • Chernivtsi Regional Universal Scientific Library
  • Chernivtsi Regional Qualification Center
  • Faculty of History, Political Science, and International Relations, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • Center for Regional Cooperation "Dialogue"
  • Association of Local Governments of Chernivtsi Region "Bukovyna Community Development Agency"

Contact Information

58032, Chernivtsi, Heroes of Kruty Boulevard, Building 20, Apt. 32

Phone: +380509512691

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.